St. Himelin

Feastday: March 10
Death: ~750
Himelin was a priest of great holiness, said to have been from Ireland. While returning from a pilgrimage to Rome, he passed through Vissenaeken, Belgium, where he fell gravely ill on the road. Suffering from thirst, he asked for water from a maid carrying a water pitcher to the rectory of a priest who employed her. At first, she refused his plea out of fear of a plague that was gripping the region. But moved with pity, she invited Himelin to come to the rectory, promising to provide him with food and drink there. Himelin, however, insisted upon simply drinking from the pitcher, assuring her that the priest to whom she was bringing the water would be "well satisfied." The maid finally acceded to his request. When, after the maid had reached the rectory, the priest was astonished to discover that the water in the pitcher had turned to fine wine, she told him about Himelin. At once, the priest went out to find the invalid and take him back to his rectory, where he tended the dying stranger. Himelin insisted upon having only a pile of hay for his bed. At the hour of his death, the church bells pealed miraculously of their own accord.

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Saint Himelin (Hymelin, Himelinus) (died Vissenaken, c. 750 AD) was an Irish or Scottish priest who, returning from a pilgrimage to Rome, fell ill when passing through Vissenaken (in present-day part of the municipality Tienen in Belgium).

He is said to have been the brother of Rumbold, patron saint of Mechelen.

The legend of Saint Himelin states that in Vissenaken he asked a girl for some water. She refused, as there was bubonic plague in the area. However, after much insistence from Himelin, she finally gave him a pitcher of water, which miraculously turned into wine. Himelin died three days later of the plague. He is venerated on 10 March. His cult is confined to Vissenaken.

Himelin Himelin Death: ~750
Death: ~750