Sts. Felix, Fortunatus, & Achilleus

Felix, Fortunatus, & Achilleus
Feastday: April 23
Death: 212

Felix, a priest, and two deacons, Fortunatus and Achilleus, were sent by St. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, at the beginning of the third century, to Valence in the district afterwards known as the Dauphine' to evangelize its inhabitants. They all three suffered martyrdom in the reign of Caracalla about the year 212. That is all that is actually known about these saints, but legend has supplied additional details. According to their reputed "acts", after they had by their preaching and miracles, converted a great proportion of the heathen people, they were arrested. From prison they were liberated by angels, at whose bidding they cast down the idols in the temples, destroying with hammers the images of Mercury and Saturn and a valuable amber statue of Jupiter. For this they were promptly seized: their legs were broken, they were tortured on wheels and subjected by day and by night to acrid and suffocating fumes. As they survived all these torments they were eventually beheaded. An even more fantastic legend than that related, connects St. Felix, St. Fortunatus and St. Achilleus with Valencia in Spain. The remains there venerated are certainly those of other saints. Their feast day is April 23.

Not to be confused with the SS Felix and Fortunatus martyred in 303 alongside Audactus, Januarius, and Septimus.

Felix, Fortunatus, and Achilleus were 3rd-century Christian saints who suffered martyrdom during the reign of Caracalla. Felix, a priest, Fortunatus and Achilleus, both deacons, were sent by Irenaeus, to Valence, to convert the locals. It is said that they died c. 212.


Felix, Fortunatus and Achilleus were sent to Valence, by Saint Irenaeus of Lyon. From a humble lodging wherein they lived a life of much penance they evangelised the town.

They also performed many miracles in the area of Valence, and through their preaching many people were converted. This led to their arrest. They were freed from prison, by angels, who told them to destroy all the idols of the temples in Valence. So Felix, Fortunatus, and Achilleus, destroyed images of Mercury, Saturn, and a particularly valuable amber statue of Jupiter. For their actions the three were captured again, had their legs broken, followed by torture on wheels. Having survived all of these torments they were beheaded.

Although the individuals themselves may not be entirely legendary, no historical incidents of their lives have been preserved.


Relics believed to be those of Felix, Fortunatus, and Achilleus, are venerated in Valencia, Spain.

Felix, Fortunatus, & Achilleus Felix, Fortunatus, & Achilleus Death: 212
Death: 212