St. Theodore, the Sanctified

I am a 4th century friend of St Athanasius the Great. an abbot of Tabennisi in Kemet. I preceeded St. Orsiesius as head of the Tabennisi Monastery. I helped Pachomius in establishing monasteries' rule(s ).
I was called the Sanctified. I was born in Upper Kemet, about 314 A.D., the Upper Thebaid. Pahnutius' brother, I entered the monastery of Tabenneis at about 14 years of age.
After the resignation of Horsiesi (350 A.D.), I was the third follower of St. Pachomius. I reformed the monastery, founding five new ones. I am listed in the diptychs of the Coptic mass. I died around 368 A.D. Feast. 28 Dec., listed in the diptychs of the Coptic mass. 14 May.

Theodore, the Sanctified Theodore, the Sanctified