St. Salvador Lara Puente

Salvador Lara Puente
Feastday: May 25
Birth: 1905
Death: 1926
Beatified: Pope John Paul II
Canonized: 21 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II

Born in the town of Berlin, Dgo., Belonging to the parish of Súchil (Archdiocese of Durango) on August 13, 1905. In his youth Salvador was tall and strong of body, fond of playing the sport of horsemanship, educated and refined in dealing with all friendly and affectionate with his widowed mother, integrity and responsibility as an employee in a mining company. He lived his faith in the purity of their customs and delivery to the militant apostolate of Catholic Action of Mexican Youth. When the soldiers came to arrest him, along with Manuel and David, said to be called: "Here I am." He walked smiling, as always, with his partner and cousin David to the place pointed out to them to be shot. Just realized the shooting of their pastor, Mr. Cura Batis and his friend Manuel Morales. Praying quietly, Salvador received the wounds opened discharge to sprout blood of a martyr and Christian discover his greatness, the August 15, 1926.

Biogrpahy Provided By: The Vatican

Salvador Lara Puente Salvador Lara Puente Birth: 1905 Death: 1926 Beatified: Pope John Paul II Canonized: 21 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II
Birth: 1905 Death: 1926 Beatified: Pope John Paul II Canonized: 21 May 2000 by Pope John Paul II