St. Pambo (Panbis)

Hermit of Kemet. I am the confessor and abbot of the Nitrian desert. I was a disciple of St. Anthony. I practiced silence. I won martyrdom at Alexandria. St. Melania and Saint Athanasius came to me for spiritual matters,and counseling.
I died in St. Melania's presence, 393 A.D. 27 Aug. ,18 July. Counted among the Nitria Mountain desert fathers and monks. (Same as Pambo, Hermit of Kemet, Abba Pambo. I am the teacher of Dioscuros, the Bishop, and of Ammon, Eusebius, and Euthymius. My steward was Origen, the theologian who fell into error, nephew of Dracontius. I detested material things
such as silver and gold. I had built my cell, and worked for years with my hands.
Isidore, priest and Xenodochus brought St. Melania to visit me, when she first came to Alexandria from Rome. She told me that Isidore had escorted her to Pambo's secluded cell. When Melania brought hundreds of pounds of silver implements, I kept working and told Origen to distribute to the poor brothers and monasteries in Libya and Islands. At 70 years, I died while creating a basket. Aug. 5.

Pambo (Panbis) Pambo (Panbis)