St. Murrita

 with Salutaris and Vindemialis (another.  Martyred at Carthage through King Huneric's orders, about 483 A.D. Feast Day,13 July.
Mygdo with Samnes, martyred at Africa, 4 July. Originally I was a hermit, before that a shepard, and herder of cattle. St. Anthony of the Desert, the Abbot was my teacher, and I was his disciple. At 40 years of age, I became ordained. Later I established a monastery community in the Scete desert.
My way attracted many members, until it numbered several thousand I was against and turmoiled against the Arian heresies. Lucius, an Arian successor to Athanasius, had me exiled about 374 A.D. to an island around the Nile. I had supported Archbishop and Patriarch Athanasius in his battle against Arianism.
I continued to teach upon my return. I died in 390 A.D.Many monasteries in Libya still named Macarius.

Murrita Murrita