St. Anthony, Merulus, and John

Anthony, Merulus, and John

Anthony, Merulus, and John were monks in Rome's Benedictine Monastery of Saint Andrew. Anthony meditated upon the Scriptures so as to move his heart to contrition. One night he experienced a vision in which he was told to prepare to leave on a journey, for God had commanded it. When Anthony replied that he did not have the money to pay his way, the voice answered, "If you are referring to your sins, know that they are forgiven." Six days later, he died. The monk Merulus recited the psalms continually. He also received a vision foreshadowing his death, when one night he saw a garland of white flowers descend from heaven and settle upon his head. He died peacefully soon afterward. The monk John was distinguished for his great humility and meekness. When he fell ill with what seemed a fatal illness, he experienced a vision of an aged man assuring him that he would not die from this sickness, but adding, "Be prepared, for you have not long to live in this world." After recovering, John spent the next two years living his monastic vocation with exceptional fervor before dying from a fever.

Anthony, Merulus, and John Anthony, Merulus, and John