St. Abuna (Frumentius)

Abuna (Frumentius)
Feastday: October 27

of Ethiopia. I was born at Tyre (modern Sur, Lebanon), one of the Apostles to Ethiopia (after St. Matthew); Abuna of Ethiopia; and the Father of Ethiopia.

In the Western liturgical church, my feast day is 27 Oct. Aedeius is my brother. I was a student of Meropius.

On a Red Sea ship cruise, a vessel wrecked on the Abbyssinian shoreline. My brother and I survived. Soldiers took us to the King of Axum. We were unable to return home, so we joined the court with myself gaining a position like a secretary, or minister.

The King died. We became members of the succeeding Queen's court. She allowed us to preach Christ, the knowledge of whom had been previously brought by the Eunuch, and Apostles Phillip, Mathew, and Nathaniel.

I asked another African, Patriarch Athanasius of Alexandria, to provide missionaries from his headquarters (see). He complied. I was later consecrated bishop of Ethiopia.

Through God's grace, Ethiopian princes Ezana and Sheazana converted. I died peacefully around 380 A.D.

Abuna (Frumentius) Abuna (Frumentius)