Bl. Jacopino de'Canepacci

Motivated by his ardent devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jacopino de'Canepacci, the son of a poor family of Piasca, Italy, entered the Carmelite monastery of Vercelli, becoming a lay brother. Serving as the religious community's porter, he was characterized by a great dedication to prayer, a tender compassion for the poor, and a deep devotion to his fellow Carmelites. He also collected alms for his community. In the course of carrying out this humbling task that required him to go from door to door begging, Jacopino often counseled those he encountered. He would console the troubled, advise those struggling with temptations, and prudently admonish sinners. Miracles were attributed to Jacopino in his lifetime. Falling victim to the plague, he died in 1508 at the age of seventy. The late sixteenth century archbishop of Milan, Saint Charles Borromeo, is said to have experienced frequent visions of Blessed Jacopino.

Jacopino de'Canepacci Jacopino de'Canepacci