Bl. Anthony of Stroncone

Anthony of Stroncone
The parents of Anthony Vici, of Stroncone, Italy, were both Third Order Franciscans. Pious from his childhood, Anthony entered the Franciscan Order in his teenage years, becoming a lay brother. He especially loved to attend Mass and the divine office, and cherished the occasions afforded him of serving the priests at the altar. Even in his final illness, he pleaded to be allowed to rise from his bed to attend Mass. Anthony experienced several visions of Christ, in one of which the Lord declared how very pleased he was with the use of numerous candles during the celebration of Mass. Thereafter Anthony made a point of placing as many lit candles as possible at the altar, particularly for the feast days of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary. His deep reverence for the Eucharist prompted him to beg on his knees from the other friars the forgiveness of his faults on the days that he was going to receive Holy Communion. In his spare time, Anthony made small wooden crosses that he placed in various places on the friary grounds, that they might serve as visual reminders to move the heart to devotion.

Anthony of Stroncone Anthony of Stroncone