Bl. Albert of Clatina

Born near Siena, Italy, Albert made a series of pilgrimages, beginning with Rome, and followed by visits to the shrine of Saint Michael on Mount Gargano and to Saint Mark's Cathedral in Venice. He then embarked for Palestine to pray at the Sepulchre of Christ and other shrines there. During a subsequent pilgrimage to the Spanish shrine of Compostela, a dove was repeatedly seen to land upon Albert's right shoulder and poke its beak into his ear, as if to whisper to him. Returning to Italy, Albert became a Camaldolese hermit, seeking only the spiritual company of Christ, the Blessed Mother, and the saints. He settled upon Mount Torricelli, spending the rest of his life in prayer and contemplation. One day he came upon a hare, which, instead of fleeing, allowed itself to be picked up by him. He then let the animal free. On another occasion, when the hare was being pursued by hunters, it fled to Albert for protection. He thereupon hid the hare in his ample sleeve until the hunters had passed by. There was also a small bird that of its own accord would fly through the window of Albert's hermitage and nestle in his hands.

Albert of Clatina Albert of Clatina