St. Timothy


St. Timothy, Agapius, and Thecla Martyrs August19, A.D. 304     While, Diocletian yet held the reigns of the government in his own hands, Urban the president of Palestine signalized his rage and cruelty against the Christians. In the second year of the general persecution, by his order, St. Timothy, for having boldly confessed his faith, was inhumanly scourged, his sides were torn with iron combs on the rack, and he was at length burnt to death at a slow fire at Gaza, on the first of May, 304, giving by his patience a certain proof that his charity was perfect. SS. Agapius and Thecla, after suffering many torments, were condemned by the same judge to be led to Caesarea, and there exposed to wild beasts. Thecla was dispatched by the beasts in the amphitheatre but Agapius escaped both from their fury; and from the swords of the confectors on that day. He was therefore detained two years longer in prison, till Maximin Daia Caesar gave orders that this confessor should be one of the victims to grace the festival, unless he would abjure the Christian faith. His sufferings had no way abated his constancy, and the delay of his crown had increased the ardor of his desires speedily to join his companions in glory. In the amphitheatre he was torn by a bear, but not killed either by the beasts or confectors; and wounded as he was, on the following day he was thrown into the sea; both Latins and Greeks celebrate the memory of these martyrs on the 19th of August.

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Timothy Timothy