Bl. Robert Sutton

Robert Sutton, of Burton-on-Trent, England (as distinguished from another beatified English martyr of the same name from Kegworth), an Anglican minister, was converted to the Catholic faith by his younger brother William. Thereafter, Robert studied for the priesthood at Douai, France, together with another of his brothers, Abraham. The two were ordained together, celebrated their first Masses on the same day, and returned to England together. The third brother, William, entered the Jesuit Order. Father Robert Sutton served in Staffordshire from 1578 until his arrest in 1585. After being banished from the country, he secretly returned. Captured a second time, Father Sutton was sentenced to death for his priesthood and suffered execution by drawing and quartering. His brother, Father Abraham Sutton, rescued a portion of Robert's body, including a thumb presently kept as a relic at Stonyhurst College.

Robert Sutton Robert Sutton