St. Constantianus

After entering the French monastery of Micy, Constantianus, a native of the Auvergne region, withdrew to live as a hermit in the forest of Nuz. The bishop of Le Mans, (Saint) Innocent, persuaded the hermit to receive ordination to the priesthood so as to minister to the people who lived in the vicinity. Constantianus' zeal, prayers, and personal example of holiness bore fruit in many conversions. Once while celebrating Mass, he restored the eyesight of a blind man by making the sign of the cross upon him, one of several miracles attributed to him. Others intent upon following the example of Constantianus came to join him at his forest retreat, so that it became necessary for him to transform his hermitage into a monastery with himself as abbot. The abbey came to be known as Javron. Following his death, Constantianus was credited with obtaining by his intercession miraculous cures for those suffering from mental illness or from chronic headaches.

Constantianus Constantianus