St. Helen's Underground Church St. Helen's Underground Church
Underground Church of Saint Helena is located in the city of Jerusalem, Israel. The church, built in the XII century, is located in the lower part of the Holy Sepulcher, between the Thrones of the Separation of Roes and the Crown of Thorns. There are 29 steps of a steep staircase leading there. The area of the temple is 20 by 13 meters. Her modest jewelry bears witness to the simplicity of Saint Helena. The dome of the temple is supported by ancient monolithic columns, and the vaults are more recent, from the 12th century. The dome is located on the surface of the earth, and the temple premises are illuminated through its windows.

St. Helen's Underground Church

Pobedy pr. Pobedy, 85, Vologda, Vologda Oblast, Russia, 160004
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About object

Underground Church of Saint Helena is located in the city of Jerusalem, Israel. The church, built in the XII century, is located in the lower part of the Holy Sepulcher, between the Thrones of the Separation of Roes and the Crown of Thorns. There are 29 steps of a steep staircase leading there. The area of the temple is 20 by 13 meters. Her modest jewelry bears witness to the simplicity of Saint Helena. The dome of the temple is supported by ancient monolithic columns, and the vaults are more recent, from the 12th century. The dome is located on the surface of the earth, and the temple premises are illuminated through its windows.

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