Daily interpretation of the Holy Gospel on September 14

Theophylact Bulgarian. Commentary on the Gospel of Mark

Mark 3:13. Then he went up the mountain and called to Himself whom He Himself wanted; and they came to Him.
Mark 3:14. And he appointed twelve of them to be with him and to send them out to preach,
Mark 3:15. and that they have the power to heal diseases and cast out demons;
Mark 3:16. set Simon, calling his name Peter,
Mark 3:17. Jacob Zebedee and John, the brother of Jacob, having named them Boanerges, that is, 'sons of thunder',
Mark 3:18. Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Jacob Alfeyev, Thaddeus, Simon the Canaanite
Mark 3:19. and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him.

Climbs the mountain to pray. Since he worked miracles before this, then after performing miracles he prays, of course, as a lesson to us, that we thank God, as soon as we do something good, and attribute it to the power of God. Or since the Lord intended to ordain the apostles, then on this occasion he ascends the mountain to pray for our instruction, that when we intend to ordain someone, we must first pray that a worthy one is revealed to us and that we do not become participants 'in other people's sins.' (1 Tim. 5:22). And that he also chooses Judas as an apostle, then from here we must understand that God does not avert a person who has to do evil because of his future. evil deed, but what is his real virtue worthy of his honor, even if he later became a bad man. The evangelist lists the names of the apostles about the false apostles, so that the true apostles are known. He calls the sons of Thunder the sons of Zebedee, as especially great preachers and theologians.

Daily interpretation of the Holy Gospel on September 14 Daily interpretation of the Holy Gospel on September 14 Theophylact Bulgarian. Commentary on the Gospel of Mark Mark 3:13. Then he went up the mountain and called to Himself whom He Himself wanted; and they came to Him. Mark 3:14. And he appointed twelve of them to be with him and to send them out to preach, Mark 3:15. and that they have the power to heal diseases and cast out demons; Mark 3:16. set Simon, calling his name Peter, Mark 3:17. Jacob Zebedee and John, the brother of Jacob, having named them Boanerges, that is, 'sons of thunder', Mark 3:18. Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Jacob Alfeyev, Thaddeus, Simon the Canaanite Mark 3:19. and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him. Climbs the mountain to pray. Since he worked miracles before this, then after performing miracles he prays, of course, as a lesson to us, that we thank God, as soon as we do something good, and attribute it to the power of God. Or since the Lord intended to ordain the apostles, then on this occasion he ascends the mountain to pray for our instruction, that when we intend to ordain someone, we must first pray that a worthy one is revealed to us and that we do not become participants 'in other people's sins.' (1 Tim. 5:22). And that he also chooses Judas as an apostle, then from here we must understand that God does not avert a person who has to do evil because of his future. evil deed, but what is his real virtue worthy of his honor, even if he later became a bad man. The evangelist lists the names of the apostles about the false apostles, so that the true apostles are known. He calls the sons of Thunder the sons of Zebedee, as especially great preachers and theologians.
Theophylact Bulgarian. Commentary on the Gospel of Mark Mark 3:13. Then he went up the mountain and called to Himself whom He Himself wanted; and they came to Him. Mark 3:14. And he appointed twelve of them to be with him and to send them out to preach, Mark 3:15. and that they have the power to heal diseases and cast out demons; Mark 3:16. set Simon, calling his name Peter, Mark 3:17. Jacob Zebedee and John, the brother of Jacob, having named them Boanerges, that is, 'sons of thunder', Mark 3:18. Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Jacob Alfeyev, Thaddeus, Simon the Canaanite Mark 3:19. and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him. Climbs the mountain to pray. Since he worked miracles before this, then after performing miracles he prays, of course, as a lesson to us, that we thank God, as soon as we do something good, and attribute it to the power of God. Or since the Lord intended to ordain the apostles, then on this occasion he ascends the mountain to pray for our instruction, that when we intend to ordain someone, we must first pray that a worthy one is revealed to us and that we do not become participants 'in other people's sins.' (1 Tim. 5:22). And that he also chooses Judas as an apostle, then from here we must understand that God does not avert a person who has to do evil because of his future. evil deed, but what is his real virtue worthy of his honor, even if he later became a bad man. The evangelist lists the names of the apostles about the false apostles, so that the true apostles are known. He calls the sons of Thunder the sons of Zebedee, as especially great preachers and theologians.